Car Key Making Locksmith In Whole Florida

Car Key Making Locksmith In Whole Florida

Our car key locksmith experts can help you duplicate or replace your lost, damaged or stolen car keys in no time. We do car key cuttings for all car makes and models. Our locksmiths have years of hands-on technical training and a vehicle full of all the equipment that’s necessary to deliver fast and precise car key duplication and replacement car keys services to you, no matter where your vehicle is located. When you are in need, our fully fortified mobile vans will come to your location and offer you the ultimate automotive locksmith solutions to your car key replacement needs.Our expert car key locksmith technicians can assist you with anything from new car key cutting to car key duplications that will help get you on your way in no time.

Our various car key services include:

New car key cutting for all car makes and models
Car keys duplication service
Lost car key replacement
Damaged key repairs
Replacement car key fobs, keyless entry
High Security Key replacement
Transponder remote replacement
Flip Blade key replacement
VAT key copying
VIN key copying
PROX Car Key duplication

High Security Car Key Cutting

When you need car key related services, just give us a call (786)408-7957 and let our team know what type of key you are looking to replace. Our nearest replacement car key expert will arrive at your location within 30 minutes to help you out.


Our car key replacement experts can help you by cutting new car keys for you if your car key is lost. You do not need to have a car key for us to duplicate, our expert locksmiths can help you replace lost car keys by making you a new car key from scratch. When you want to replace a lost car key, our nearest locksmith can reach you in less than half an hour wherever you are. If your lost car key is a transponder key, our expert car locksmiths can even reprogram your new car key for you quickly, at your location. No matter what type of lost car keys you need replaced, our mobile locksmith experts do it all. We can replace any type of lost car keys for you at your location and convenience.


Our car key experts can help you repair and replace broken car keys. There are times when warped or bent car keys are reparable. In cases where we can fix your broken car keys for you, we will, this can potentially save you money as you will not have to spend money on a new replacement car keys. Additionally, if your key broken key needs replacing and cannot be fixed, our expert locksmiths can still save you some money by using your faulty key for duplication. We can make cut new car keys from scratch, but duplicating a car key is a bit more cost effective for you. If your car key is broken or faulty, give us a call and we’ll come right over and help you replace it for you promptly.


We have an extensive base keys in stock at all times, and we carry over 90 types of transponder keys for more than 200 car models.  No matter what vehicle you drive, be it cars, trucks, vans or motorcycles we are here to assist you with all your car key cutting needs. We duplicate all of the following types of vehicle keys:

Basic Car Keys

If your car has been around since the 90’s, than your vehicle works with a standard car key that doesn’t come with any added security features making it fairly simple to duplicate. Replacement car keys for basic car keys is inexpensive and can be done very quickly, compared to more modern vehicle keys.

Transponder Keys

You’ll know if you have a transponder key if your car key has a thick piece of plastic attached to the top of it. Inside the small piece of plastic, is a tiny transponder chip that has a responder which connects to your specific car’s transmitter. When the responder comes in close proximity with your car’s transmitter, the vehicle will unlock. Transponder keys for cars should only be purchased from a reliable car key locksmith, to insure that it works effectively and keeps your car secure.

Laser Cut Car Keys

The thing that makes laser cut car keys unique are the way in which they are made. They are made by using a specified laser machine that cuts a specific pattern onto both sides of the key. Because of the specified equipment and keys which are needed to replace one of these car keys, not all experts offer laser car key cutting services as we do.

Switchblade Keys

These Keys are small and they pop out when you click a button, much like a switchblade pocket knife. These keys are sometimes laser-cut and sometimes cut standardly. They usually come with a key fob in the thick black casing. Switchblade keys cost less to repair than other keys when damaged, but can cost a more than other keys to replace when lost.

Close Proximity Smart Keys

These keys are super convenient to use and they offer a level of protection to cars that is as of yet, unsurpassed. The one downside to these replacement car keys is that they are easily lost since they only need to be in close proximity to their vehicle and not in the car ignition in order for it to work. We’ve been called upon often to make duplicate smart car keys in recent years and we have all the tools necessary to fulfill all your smart key cutting needs on-the-spot.

In the 1990s, car theft in the United States had reached an all-time high. These car thefts that were caused by a lack of adequate vehicle theft protection became such an issue to car owners, insurance companies and the police, that car manufacturers came up with a solution; electronic immobilizer systems that are unlocked by the high tech car keys that most motorists are familiar with and use today. While auto theft crime levels have gone down significantly, it is now much more difficult to duplicate car keys and have new car keys made. Car key replacement needs must now be carried out by affordable locksmiths who know what they are doing and have the tools necessary to work with modern day car keys.

Looking to have your car key duplicated? Schedule an appointment with a qualified car locksmith today!

Car Key Making Locksmith In Whole Florida


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